Sunday, November 23, 2008


Stepping into the gym is like entering another world of mine
Looking at people who has the same interest, target and mission gain me more motivation

When feel like giving up, just look at the person beside you doing so hard will make you go on with your workout ^^

Share opinions, experiences, tough situations with people who gone through or just started the journey is a meaningful step in order to get a better life =)

See, understand, experience and get result its all about doing gym!!! =p
Observing, learning, interpreting, practical experimenting and review result is what bodybuilding do ^.^

Pain, stress, tiredness and time are the inputs
Strength, muscle mass, health and and body shape is the outputs
That's what you give and what you gain in bodybuilding
Haha =p

Give my very best to what I love the most

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

20 ways for you to stay MOTIVATED!
Let's face it, staying motivated is not the easiest thing to do. That's why a lot of bodybuilders quit lifting, because they've lost their motivation. I have almost lost all of mine before, and almost stopped lifting, but I regained it and now I'm coming along just fine for my first year. I have motivation in everything I do, and a lot of reasons to stay motivated. In this article, I'm going to outline 20 ways for you to stay motivated. With all of that in mind, here they are.

1. Imagine Competing Against Your Rival! Imagine you are neck and neck with a rival of yours as far as muscle mass goes. He's slightly ahead of you, and you're almost about to give up. Then, you want to get bigger than him so bad, you use that as your motivation. Imagine he's always bigger, so you will never give up.

2. Visualize The Weight As Something You Hate! Use a person that you really hate as an example. Picture them as a barbell, dumbbell, etc. You want to get so strong, you want to punch they're lights out. The more mass you have, the harder you hit them. Picture it like that.

3. Reward Yourself For A Job Well Done. If you do really well and have an excellent workout, treat yourself to new lifting equipment. Treat yourself for doing well in the gym. You're so motivated to try those new pairs of gloves on, or to try out that new tank top.

4. Treat Yourself To A New Food. Treat yourself to a different food than your normal diet. No, I don't mean a candy bar or a soda, I mean if you have a steak, try chicken breasts with close to the same nutritional value.

5. Buy Yourself A New Supplement. Buy yourself a new supplement. If you only take Whey Protein, try a meal replacement, or creatine. You get the picture. Just try a new supplement that you've wanted to try.

6. Watch A Motivating Movie. Watch a movie like Rocky. It is a great way for motivation. He had to overcome a lot of obstacles in order to be as great as he was. He didn't like training, but he never quit.

7. Set Small Goals. Set a goal for yourself of something you want to accomplish. Make sure it's a reasonable goal though. Not something like "I want to gain 15 pounds in 3 days." Something like "Increase my lifts in one exercise per body part." If you want the goal bad enough, you will stay motivated.

8. Listen To Your Favorite Music! Listen to your favorite music while lifting. Nothing can motivate you better than listening to your favorite tunes. Music has power to get your mind away from the fact that you're training intense.

9. Take A Recovery Week. Take a recovery week every 8 weeks. I mean no cardio, no lifting, nothing but your diet. A mental recovery week is important to maintain your level of concentration and wanting to lift harder.

10. Train For Your Health! Train for your health. If you want to stay healthy enough, you will continue to train and eat healthy. There is not other sport I know of that eats healthier than bodybuilding.

11. Lift Because Someone Said You Can't Do It. Lift because someone said you can't do it. Ever heard somebody say that you can't get big and you'll always be a small fry? Use that to want to become big and show that guy next time that you can get big and not stay small forever.

12. Do It Out Of Free Will! Do it out of your own free will. If you want to get big bad enough, you will have enough will inside of you to get big. If you believe that you can do it, you will do it.

13. Get A Training Partner. Get a training partner. Nothing better than having a buddy help you reach your goals with the help of his motivation. I love the sound of hearing a training partner saying you can do it.

14. Take Advice From People. Take advice from people. I get loads of bodybuilding information each day. It motivates me to keep going knowing that I have so much information. If I stopped, I wasted a lot of my life with useless information.

15. Try To Impress People! Try to impress people. It doesn't matter who, your mom, dad, grandparents, a girl you like, etc. If you want to impress people bad enough, you will keep going with your bodybuilding lifestyle.

16. Use Pictures To Motivate! Use pictures to motivate you. Compare different before and after pictures. You keep getting bigger than the previous picture. You want it so bad, every time you take a picture, you're getting bigger. Check out's huge picture gallery, click here!

17. Help Others Out! Help others out. When people come up to me and ask for advice, that keeps me motivated because I know others look up to me. It is a great feeling to know there are people who admire you.

18. Change Your Workout Routine. Change your routine. I do after 8 weeks, then a recovery week. It will get boring doing the same routine day after day, week after week. Changing it up will keep you motivated instead of just doing the same old routine and just lifting to get it done.

19. Compare Yourself Against Other Bodybuilders. Compare yourself with other bodybuilders. Always try to find someone that's bigger than you, and say I want to be just like him. Once you're bigger than him, try to find someone else to compare with.

20. Do It For FUN! Do it for fun. I'm not saying just do it and having fun out there and not having intensity and just doing it laughing the whole way. I mean to enjoy what you do. Have fun lifting, and dieting. I used to hate it and just do it to get it over with, now I love every bit of it. In this article, I've outlines 20 ways to stay motivated. Never stop looking for ways of motivation. All that will make you do is want to quit because you've lost yours. There are many other ways of motivation than the ones listed here, so never stop looking for ways. I hope you guys enjoyed this article. Stay motivated!

ps: writen by a writer from

Appreciate this article ^.^

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Gym day...

After a 8 hours of sleep yesteday night
I woke up at 9 30am in the morning
Started play game from 10 00am to 11 30 noon as an early entertainment ^^

The most important thing came to my mind after playing game....
Guess what?!!!
FOODSSSS of coz!!!
Have my 'brunch' which is a plate of white rice with fish and curry chicken
(Protein contained man!!!) =)
Then plus a big cup of hot milk ^^

Now im full of energy....
Rest awhile.....around 1 hour and 30 min....
Start packing up my stuffs and get ready to go gym...

Im reached California Fitness Centre....
When i stepped in .....its 2pm
Put my stuffs into the locker and get ready to start my GYM DAY!!! >.<

First started with my warm up and stretching....
Then go for the machines....
Machine after machine.....
Set after set.....
Then i finally felt tired and stop for while to take a short rest
Look up at the clock hanging on the wall......its 3 30pm

When the time i entered the was just small number of people, around 15 maybe...
Now it was so crowded!!! More than 40 people.....
After a 10 minutes of resting and dreaming....
I continue my workout for another 30 mins

In this 30 mins....
I have done 3 machines....and also observing people around =p
I have seen few types of people inside the gym....
People who already set their goal, people who just come in the gym irregularly, people who come to walk around and watch around and people who come with friends to have fun....

When you see those who already have a goal set....
Don't even go near and talk to them^^
Joking nia =) .... it just they look so so so concentrate with no distractions
1 word....PRO!!!

Another type, those who come irregularly....
This type of people come once in a blue moon, they came because they think they should have responsible to their promises to go
This comment^^

Go on
Those who came to walk around and watching around are those i really don't understand why they come for....swt =.=''
They basically just do 3 or 4 machines a day
You know how they do?!!!
3 set per machine......between each set...a 15 mins rest!!! lol
They just sit on the machine and rest, leaving those who really wanna use the machine to wait whole day long =.=''

The last type
They will come by 2 or 3 person in a group....
Then they will start make the fool of every machines and gym stuffs....
Challenging each other by doing 1 or 2 reps.......end up nothing they will gain
Yes its fun...but what is that?!!! haha speechless

Okay...back to me
After the 30 mins workout, i went to sauna and bath then go back
Reached home at 5 20pm

This is what basically throughout my gym day.....
I do learned something......
The nonstop and not giving up spirit from those pro bodybuilders....
By seeing them, i have more motivations throughout my gym day....
RESPECT!!! ^.^

So far......I have done this....

kinda hardcore for being a beginner in a gym....
4 days a week and 2 hours minimum of workout each day....
I do miss a day...which i really cant stand the pain and the tiredness

From a bodyweight of 97kg down to 94kg...
From cant even run on a treadmill for 2 mins to manage to run for 6 mins
Before i get started, i eat as usual.....always follows my mood and also others
Now....i dont even go out to have an extra meal with friends.....even drinks, i will choose those without sugar...

I donno how was it to others
But for me, this is the biggest challenge....
Every moment when i wan to stop myself from going out of my door, getting into my car and driving to the gym location
I will tell myself....What you have promised to yourself?
Its enough of self cheating for so many years...
Thats what you have interest in!!! Do not let this silly little laziness bring you down!!!

At the end....
I also manage to make myself to the gym...
Every moment when i feel that i cant do even 1 more rep.....
I tell myself....
1 rep, so what? make it 2!!!
I'm always creating motivations for myself...
When i'm tired and feel like getting off the gym....
I tell myself....
Its that all? Enough? you serious? With this kind of performance, you satisfy?
Then i manage to continue around 30 mins longer...

So far.....I have done this......

Saturday, November 1, 2008

What I love is not what u want and expected

I know you don't like me doing things that don't have futurity
But...that's what I only love and have interest on...
I know it does not seem to be benefiting me in the future and maybe now as well
I know that clearly...

Doing things that I do not have interest on is the worst thing happening to me
I do not have the mood and do not have the heart to put in efforts
Its making me confused and frustrated...
No direction...
Loses my goal...

Study hard to get a certificate as a pass to get a good job in the future is not the way I want
Everyone wants to be special, include me...
Following someone Else's footsteps is not my style and I hate it
If that's call stubbornness and not understanding...
Then I have to admit...I am...

All time listening to such sentence, " Life is only once, why don't you do your best and get the best things in your life?"
Ya I do agree with this...
But I can tell you, getting the best things ever are never never could compete with getting things you love and dream!
If the best thing is not what you want, thing you love is the one you dying to get!

I always tell myself
Money is nothing...
Materials is nothing...
Pain is also not a thing to scare of...
Suffer is just a bit tough in life...
Looking down by others is just a small barrier in life...
But your DREAM!

I will keep on with what I'm doing now
By doing this, I could feel that I am chasing towards my dream step by step...
I could find my direction...
I am not confuse....
I have no regret...
I see my goal crystal clear!