Friday, December 19, 2008

Do only things that you have to do is more than enough

There are too many things to take into consideration
There are too many feelings to take care
There are too many responsibilities to put on the shoulders


Give your time to things that you need and things that need you...
Give your caring to things that you love and things that love you...
Share your feelings to things that you understand and things that understand you...
Responsible to promises you have made and to things that require it...
Stay and hold with things that you wanna be together and things that wanna be together with you...
Life is extremely short if you realise its functions and directions
Life is short when you have dreams
Life is even shorter when you found your loved one
Utilise the benefits of your life to the max
Because its once and only for everyone

Monday, December 15, 2008


Jay Cutler had maximized the human abilities and muscle mass!!!

He makes human feel proud!!!

Especially guys!!!


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Enjoy doing the same things....

Sometimes is fun and enjoying when doing the same things in our daily routine
Things that never change create boredomness
But in the other way around, its also give us the feelings of secure and stability

Task might be fixed
Things might be standard
People might be the same
Place might be the same
Time might be limited

But the way of doing it could be change
Attitude towards could be change
Feelings could be different everytime

After gone through all the hard time....
Tasks, missions, targets and objectives will be accomplished and done....
Everything will be worthy....." return on investment' could be see ^^

This process will go on and on , again and again in our life till the end of breath
So take the challenge!!! ^_^