Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Done degree level 1...

Finally I have done my degree year 1 with kinda blur case style
I've been going and back from college without gaining much understanding and knowledge from the modules I've took.

Rushing the assignments given on the last few days and even completed 2 assignments at the last 10 minutes of submission... speechless
Hanging out till late night frequently...
Have an unhealthy eating habits...eating at night...not eating clean....
Addicted to DOTA in the starting of the year......
Spend too much money which is somehow not necessarily....

Things that still make me happy with it are...
I do enjoy alot....
I've freedom much more than a teenager should have
I got what I want and I can have what I want

Left one and the only 1 thing that makes me proud of...
My consistency towards bodybuilding
I never miss a workout with reason that I do not feel like going...
I've gained obvious improvement and some self-confident
I've got a motivated gym partner by my side
I've learnt alot about bodybuilding, nutrition, motivation and health....

In conclusion
In this whole degree level 1...
I'm totally lost focus in my study
I did not manage my time wisely
I'm spoiling my body with my bad eating habit and sleeping habit

I'm alot stronger than previous me before I've started to being serious in bodybuilding
I've understand that friends that always hang around does not really understand each other
I do not feel that friendship does improved alot....but it is fun hanging out and enjoy
I still stick with my belief...
You will never know a person absolutely until when you both faced a situation where life and death matters...


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